Federal Bureau of Prisons
Research & Reports
We conduct research on numerous correctional topics and welcome research proposals from the public.

Want to conduct your own research?
We accept well-designed research proposals unless they involve medical or pharmaceutical experimentation.
Simply follow the steps below for submitting a proposal.
Steps to Submit a Research Proposal
View First Step >Step 1: Read Documents
Understand the rules and regulations that are in place, and familiarize yourself with other considerations by reading the following documents:
- Belmont Report
- BOP Program Statement on Research
- Department of Justice regulations for protecting human subjects (28 CFR 46)
Optional: Preliminary Proposal
Applicants are encouraged to submit a preliminary research proposal for review by the Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE). An ORE review can assist in determining whether a research proposal is well-formed or designed. ORE's review and response to the preliminary proposal does not constitute a final decision and applicants are free to submit a formal proposal after such review. An ORE preliminary research proposal review is an optional, not a required, step in the submission of a research proposal.
< Previous Step Next Step >Step 2: Prepare Paperwork
Complete the research proposal (as described in the BOP Program Statement), a Researcher Statement form (one for each researcher listed in the proposal), and Informed Consent forms (if applicable).
< Previous Step Next Step >Step 3: Submit Paperwork
Submit the completed proposal and Researcher Statement(s) to the appropriate BOP office along with any consent forms. For more information, see the process described in the Program Statement or contact the IRB Coordinator.
< Previous StepAffiliated with a university or research organization?
- Before your research can be approved by the BOP, you may need to obtain approval from your Institutional Review Board.
- Our approval process typically takes 12 weeks for an expedited review research proposal.
- We do not award research grants.
Questions about this application process?
If you have questions about the process for submitting a research proposal, please contact the Office of Research by e-mail: BOP-ITD-Research-S@bop.gov.
Include your name, mailing address, and telephone number in any correspondence.
Research Links
The following websites contain statistical and historical data that may be useful for research purposes.
- National Institute of Corrections Library
- The library provides access to over 18,000 corrections-related resources including training plans, research reports, program evaluations and more.
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service
- A federally funded resource offering justice and drug-related information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide.
- U.S. Sentencing Commission Research & Statistics
- Resources that include sentencing statistics, impact assessments, retroactivity reports, surveys, and more.
- Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
- A collection of more than 100 published and unpublished sources regarding criminal justice topics in the United States.
- FBI Uniform Crime Report
- A resource for law enforcement executives, students of criminal justice, researchers, members of the media, and the public at large seeking information on crime in the nation.
- Bureau of Justice Statistics
- A resource for information on crime, criminal offenders, victims of crime, and the operation of justice systems at all levels of government.
- National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
- Archived information and data concerning criminal justice matters.
External Links
- Inmate Statistics
- Weekly updates that provide a statistical snapshot of our inmates including age, citizenship, ethnicity, sex, offenses, safety, race, security assignments, and sentences imposed.
- Population Statistics
- Weekly updates of the Bureau of Prisons' inmate population.
- Staff Statistics
- Weekly updates which provide insight into staff safety and diversity in the workplace.
- Budget and Performance
- Resources on the internet where you can find information about our budget and performance.
- Publications
- A series of past and present publications issued by the Bureau of Prisons.
FBOP Links
Research News
News bulletins from the FBOP Office of Research and Evaluation.

A summary of recent research completed by the Office of Research and Evaluation, and related information about their ongoing work.
Past Issues: