Medical Care
Inmates receive essential medical, dental, and mental health services.

The Bureau's professional staff provides essential medical, dental, and mental health (psychiatric) services in a manner consistent with accepted community standards for a correctional environment. The Bureau uses licensed and credentialed health care providers in ambulatory care settings, that are supported by community consultants and specialists. For adults in custody with chronic or acute medical conditions, the Bureau operates seven (7) medical referral centers providing advanced care.
Health promotion is emphasized through counseling provided during examinations and patient education about the effects of medications, infectious disease prevention and education, and chronic care clinics for conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension. The Bureau promotes environmental health for employees and adults in custody alike through its emphasis on a clean-air environment and the maintenance of safe conditions in living and work areas. The Bureau's food service program emphasizes heart-healthy diets, nutrition education, and dietary counseling in conjunction with medical treatment.
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